Worship & Fellowship

Updated on Sunday 21st July 2024


Sunday 28th July 2024
10.00am Sunday Worship
Preacher: Andy McKibbin

Sunday 4th August 2024
10.00am Sunday Worship
Preacher: John Wilkins

Sunday 11th August 2024
10.30am Holy Communion
Preacher: Revd John Simms

Most weeks there is a 'Zoom' Fellowship Meeting at 5.00pm.
To join, please use the 'Contact Us' page to email us 
and we will send you the Zoom link each week. 

Each week we publish a bulletin called 'KEEPINetherGreen IN TOUCH'
It contains news of our church family 
and other articles relating to
the Methodist Church in the Sheffield District and Circuit.
If you would like to receive these bulletins, please email us using the 'Contact Us' page.
'Keeping in Touch' also comes each week with a copy of 'The Vine at Home'.

Lunch Club will meet fortnightly at 12.30pm on Wednesdays 
throughout July, August and September 2024 and then weekly from October 2024 onwards (excluding 18th / 25th December 2024 and 1st / 8th January 2025).
For dates, see below.
For more information, please see the 'Lunch Club' page. 

Thinking about hiring the church premises for your meeting, celebration, rehearsal, club, organisation  . . . . . ?
Please send your enquiry to the church via the 'Contact Us' page.

                                                                  DATES FOR YOUR DIARY                                                                                             

                         Sunday Services in August & September
                         4th August                    10.00am         Sunday Worship
                        11th August                  10.30am         Holy Communion
                        18th August                  10.00am          Sunday Worship
                        25th August                  10.00am          Sunday Worship
                        1st September            10.00am          Sunday Worship
                        8th September            10.30am         Holy Communion
                        15th September         10.00am         Sunday Worship
                        22nd September        10.00am         Sunday Worship

                        29th September         10.00 am        Sunday Worship                                      
                        Lunch Club        12.30pm    Wednesdays 24th July; 7th, 21st August; 4th, 18th September