Godly Play 

The Heart of Godly Play

  • Creating Sacred Space 
  • Building and working in the community 
  • Learning religious language 
  • Using religious language to make meaning 
A Godly Play session includes a time to
  • get ready 
  • tell a story using objects and artefacts 
  • explore the story more with open questions and discussion 
  • respond with a free choice using a variety of materials - art...silence...play...writing... 
  • enjoy a simple feast and sharing 
Godly Play at Nether Green
    We love Godly Play at Nether Green. On the third Sunday of every month the children from Crossroads enjoy a Godly Play session. Each child is greeted by the 'doorkeeper' and engaged in a short conversation. They are asked if they are ready and then come into the room one at a time. This is an important part of the morning, slowing the children down and helping them to prepare. 
    Each story has its own script (memorised) and its own models/figures/pictures. The 'storyteller' greets the children and, when sure that everyone is ready, begins to tell that month's story. There are set 'wondering' questions to help the children reflect on what they have heard and these may or may not lead on to further questions and discussion. 
    Once the 'wondering' is finished the children decide what they would like to do next, choosing from a good selection of art and craft materials. Before the session finishes the children clear away and share a 'feast' together. This can be fruit or a small snack and a drink. 
    We don't have many children at Crossroads but we know that for 'Godly Play' most, if not all, will be there because they love it!